Taking Time for Yourself

Taking Time for Yourself



Reorganizing differently, momentum for new beginnings, liberated from obsolete patterns, harmonizing inner dimensions, peaceful sleep. These stones make up the bracelet: amethyst, zoisite, and moonstone.   Amethyst inspires a state of inner peace. By enhancing meditation, its soothing energy relaxes the body and calms an overactive mind. By enhancing concentration, it balances intuition with logic to support the decision-making process. Having amethyst near your bed or under your pillow improves the quality of your sleep and enhances dream recall. By activating the third eye and crown chakras, amethyst elevates consciousness and connects you to your deepest inner wisdom. It develops confidence in your psychic abilities and reveals the underlying meaning of life’s different experiences. By increasing awareness, amethyst strengthens the connection with the Divine and facilitates communication with angels. Zoisite harmonizes the body by balancing masculine and feminine energies, thus balancing intellectual, emotional, physical and auric energies. It opens the heart and releases fears. This stone brings a loving awareness to the lives of those who wear it. It helps us understand life, its beauties and why things are the way they are. It is powerful for stimulating creativity and rediscovering the passion that may have been lost. The mystical properties of moonstone are deeply connected to and guided by moonlight. Each lunar cycle offers a new opportunity for growth, and the moonstone’s luminous glow teaches us to embrace the process through each phase of life. She inspires us to embark on an inner journey to explore hidden truths and vulnerabilities, to release emotional blocks to develop a deeper understanding of who we are.