

Helps with fat elimination and appetite balance, stabilizes emotions (including those of deprivation), helps to overcome addictions by staying positive. These stones make up the bracelet: apatite, howlite, and amethyst.   Apatite brings clarity of consciousness. It cleanses the auric field of negative psychic debris, expands the mind to understand concepts and situations at a deeper level. It stimulates inspiration and new ideas, giving us the key to unlock creative freedom. This mystical blue stone elevates consciousness to higher realms and opens channels to receive guidance from enlightened beings. Howlite teaches the virtue of patience by developing self-awareness. By enhancing intuition, it promotes acceptance of circumstances beyond our control. By activating the crown chakra, its pure white light envelops the body to allow surrender and peace with the situation. Bringing calm to the mind and relaxation to the body, howlite invites you to settle, slow down, and relax. Its soothing vibration offers restful sleep and restores emotional balance. Howlite, inspiring compassion and an open mind, cultivates positive thoughts to overcome doubt and negative self-talk. Amethyst inspires a state of inner peace. By enhancing meditation, its soothing energy relaxes the body and calms an overactive mind. By enhancing concentration, it balances intuition with logic to support the decision-making process. Avoir lā€™AmĆ©thyste prĆØs de votre lit ou sous votre oreiller amĆ©liore la qualitĆ© de votre sommeil et stimule le souvenir des rĆŖves. By activating the third eye and crown chakras, amethyst elevates consciousness and connects you to your deepest inner wisdom. It develops confidence in your psychic abilities and reveals the underlying meaning of life’s different experiences. By increasing awareness, amethyst strengthens the connection with the Divine and facilitates communication with angels.