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20 in stock


People born between April 21 and May 21 are under the protection of the sign of Taurus. This sign is characterized by patience, tenacity, boldness and honesty. Taureans need to feel secure, they have a good heart and are very affectionate. In their free time, Taureans like to think and feel attracted to someone. Taurus reminds us to reflect on our relationship with our sense of security and wealth. The stones associated with this sign are linked to loyalty, self-esteem, intuition, security and abundance. – Malachite, often, because of their need to feel secure and confident, people of the Taurus sign forget that it’s also important to attract good luck and generate good vibrations to achieve their daily goals. Malachite brings them physical protection, transformation, abundance and positive relationships. – Rose quartz is their main birthstone. This mineral is perfect for Taureans, as this sign is ruled by the planet Venus itself. – Green aventurine, this stone helps Taurus to always look on the bright side of things and to accept reality with total gratitude. When this stone is combined with the energy of this sign, it creates a unique connection that attracts abundance and prosperity in all aspects of life. – Lava stone, this stone helps Taurus to release oppressed feelings, providing vitality, security and stability. – Red coral, this stone will give Taurus some of the strength it needs. It opens doors when they’re closed and ensures that words have the right intensity at the right time. – Bull’s-eye, this stone motivates Taurus to get out of routine and look for action and new projects. 18 cm diameter and 6mm gem