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18 in stock


This is the first sign of the zodiac and belongs to those born between March 21 and April 20. People under this sign are full of energy and positivism. They are characterized by their adventurous nature, always full of new ideas. Aries people like to be leaders and independent because they have strong ambitions and goals. Aries reminds us to think about how we use our energy and move our bodies. It’s about taking actions that are aligned with our sense of identity. The stones associated with this sign are linked to confidence, initiative and protection, and nourish our energy and vitality. – Fire agate, this Aries stone brings motivation and optimism, helping in interpersonal relationships. It has the ability to amplify the energy of fire signs, making it an invaluable tool for those seeking to rekindle their passion for life. – Red jasper, the zodiac sign of Aries is associated with red jasper. This stone helps them regulate the vital energy they draw from their most earthly emotions. Red jasper nourishes and balances them energetically so they don’t become hyperactive without losing their desire to conquer the world. – Hematite, for people born under the sign of Aries, the hematite stone is particularly beneficial because of its ability to strengthen willpower and determination. Aries natives are known to be very ambitious and energetic, and hematite can help them keep that energy focused on a specific goal. What’s more, this stone can also help Aries to find clarity in their goals and stay focused on them. – Dragon Blood Jasper is one of the stones of the Aries zodiac. This stone is excellent for purifying energy and is a powerful healer. Dragon Blood jasper stimulates the immune system. It brings stability, common sense and strength. It attracts money and love. 18 cm diameter and 6mm gem