Amethyst, a semi-precious stone, amplifies the energies of spirituality, serenity, purification and intuition. This violet stone is associated with inner peace and spiritual transformation. In litotherapy, it is highly appreciated for its soothing properties.


Meditating with amethyst will bring a deep connection with one’s spiritual self, enabling one to achieve a state of mental calm and serenity. This stone also favors the development of intuition and access to higher knowledge.

Amethyst resonates with the energies of spirituality and the third eye, facilitating the opening of the third eye chakra and access to intuitive perceptions. It is beneficial for calming anxiety and negative thoughts, promoting restful sleep. This crystal is powerful for meditation, especially for those seeking to deepen their spiritual connection.

Origin: Brazil, Uruguay, Zambia, Madagascar
Chakra : Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra
Zodiac sign: Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Planet: Neptune
Element : Air