Moon stone

Moonstone, a semi-precious stone, amplifies the energies of intuition, femininity, emotional balance and spiritual connection. This magical stone is often associated with the moon and its cycles, making it a symbol of renewal and transformation. In litotherapy, it is highly prized for its soothing properties.

Moon stone

Meditating with moonstone will bring deep harmony with the emotions, helping to balance moods and promote understanding of inner feelings. This stone also encourages the development of intuition and access to inner wisdom.

Moonstone resonates with the energies of femininity and sensitivity, making it an ideal crystal for women and for fostering harmony in relationships. It is beneficial for calming anxiety and emotional tension. This crystal is powerful for meditation, especially for those seeking to explore their emotional and intuitive side.

Origin: India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Australia, Madagascar
Chakra : Solar Plexus Chakra, Sacral Chakra
Zodiac sign: Cancer, Libra
Planet: Moon
Element: Water