
Obsidian, a semi-precious stone, amplifies the energies of protection, purification, transformation and spiritual growth. This powerful stone acts as an energy shield, repelling negative energies and helping to release emotional blockages. In litotherapy, it is highly appreciated for its curative virtues.


Meditating with obsidian will bring a deep purification of mind and soul, helping to rid oneself of negative thought patterns. This stone also encourages personal and spiritual transformation, paving the way for inner growth.

Obsidian resonates with the energies of earth and fire, making it an excellent tool for anchoring and connecting with natural forces. It is beneficial for developing intuition and stimulating mental clarity. This crystal is powerful for meditation, especially for those seeking to explore their inner self in depth.

Origin: Mexico, United States, Iceland, Italy
Chakra : Root Chakra
Zodiac sign: Scorpio, Capricorn
Planet: Pluto
Element: Earth, Fire