
Rhodonite, a semi-precious stone, amplifies the energies of compassion, unconditional love, emotional balance and emotional healing. This pink and black stone is reputed to promote love of self and others, and to soothe emotions and wounds of the heart. In litotherapy, it is highly prized for its soothing properties.


Meditating with rhodonite will bring deep emotional reconciliation, healing past wounds and opening the heart to compassion. This stone also encourages harmony in relationships and self-acceptance.

Rhodonite resonates with the energies of the heart, promoting emotional balance and the sincere expression of feelings. It is beneficial for calming anxieties and fears, promoting self-confidence. This crystal is powerful for meditation, especially for those seeking to calm their hearts and develop harmonious relationships.

Origin: Russia, Australia, Sweden, Canada
Chakra : Heart Chakra
Zodiac sign: Libra
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth, Water